Monday, September 25, 2017

Things No One Tells You...

When running a business, any type of business and not just photography, its hard to tell yourself and your clients when you need to take a step back. Sometimes situations let you prolong the inevitable  but often you have to be blunt and say to yourself "hey, I need a break to focus on personal things".

Fellow photography bloggers, I needed some personal days. I'm grateful to have a partner during moments like this because they can often pick up the workload and the business goes on, but when you're both sick (or have sick families), going to school full time, and working another job on top of your amazing photography career, life seems way too much!

How do you manage all of that, and keep the photography business afloat?
You know the saying "blood, sweat, and tears"? Sometimes, I think this is what they meant. Honestly, some days I think that we just can't keep it going. You take your step back, you blink, and you haven't picked up your camera in 6 months and your partner resents you for doing all that work for so long. Sometimes you lose the faithful clients you once had because you just can't keep up with your now busy, crazy workload to fit in another photo shoot.

For any business owner out there, you just have to tell yourself to grin and bare it. For those of you who are considering starting up a photography business (or any business) keep these thoughts in mind. If your future changes, what will you do?